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Columbia, SC 29209
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Columbia, SC 29290-0612


Automobile and Pickup Truck Sites

AutoByTel recently rated quite good in an editorial piece by Forbes magazine about using the web to buy a new car. Of course that was based on one person's experience. But, it is recommended by Edmunds, and advertises on their web site. So I would assume it is a useful tool, and a reputable company. If you don't like price negotiating with car dealers, this might be a useful site for you.

Kelly Blue Book This is a very useful site, giving dealer costs and "reviews" on new cars and trade-in and retail values on used cars. The site also has warranty and accessory information, it even has pricing on motorcycles. Kelly Blue Book prices are often used by financing companies, so use this site to see in advance what the car or truck you are about to buy is really worth -- wholesale and retail.

Edmund's Automotive Buyer's Guide(5) This is a premiere site, one of the best on the web. Click on new cars, and choose a major manufacturer. Then choose a car type, and take a look. The reviews are great, the information (about 10 pages per car) is so complete, you won't believe it. Retail and dealer cost on all the cars, the accessories and packages. You can print out the entire ten pages to use when you go shopping. You can compare competitive vehicles. You can price used cars. This site is like having a huge automotive bookshelf at your fingertips. It is well organized, well written, and loads fast. What more can you ask?

CarMax(3.7) This is the new company that belongs to Circuit City that sells late model used cars at fixed prices on huge super-lots. Charlotte, NC is the nearest location to Columbia, SC. Click on "inventory browse". It often doesn't work, and it is very slow to load, but sometimes you can get a nice list of what's available and at what price. It is organized, and logical. Can be useful if you are shopping for a late model used car.

Car-List (4) A site that lets you search for a particular used car, list your used car for sale, or get a price quote on a new car.

N.A.D.A. Guides A great website, you can enter any used or new car and get intelligent answers as to trade in and retail values. Grade this site an "A" for free information.

GM (5) The home page of General Motors, all sorts of information available about their products.

Ford (5) The home page of Ford..

Chrysler (5) All about Chrysler vehicles.

Toyota (5) All about Toyota vehicles.

Honda (5) All about Honda products, a very modern and art-like home page, click on the words, and it takes you where you want to go today. It looks like a slim site, but there is probably a lot of information there, you just have to click for it.

Car Auctions and Shows (3.5) A site that allows you to list your shows or auctions, or find out about others around the country.

Nissan Cars & Trucks The Nissan vehicles, this new web site will be available about March 27, 1997.

Motor Trend Magazine. (4) The on-line version of the ever popular magazine “Motor Trend”.

Microsoft Carpoint One of the best sites on the WWW for learning about cars, prices, features, reviews and so forth. BEST FEATURE: go to the left, black, frame, and choose "power tools"... then choose "side-by-side compare". This is one of the most useful tools on the web for comparing vechicles. You can compare any make, model and year -- side by side. Prices and all specifications. You will be surprised by the things you can learn if you are a careful shopper.

Price Auto Outlet: Sells "program car" of all makes and models, all over the USA. The search engine works very well, enter your zip code and it does the rest. Impressive site... and helpful to establish the "value" of certain makes and models of used cars that you may be interested in purchasing.

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