After 62 years in business, Boozer Lumber Company went out of business in mid-June, 2008. We sincerely regret that we can no longer supply products to builders and homeowners. The company no longer has any employees or corporate resources, and thus we can not service products we sold in prior months and years.
You may contact the company by writing:

Boozer Lumber Company
PO Box 90612
Columbia, SC 29290-0612

NOTE: Please do not send any “street addressed” mail or UPS or FED-X packages to 1400 Atlas Road (our street address), as neither the USPS (postal service), nor the private package services are making deliveries to the street address.
The company phone number is 1-. Leave message.

You may e-mail questions or comments to Dale Boozer e-mail reply is limited, so please be patient.
We appreciate the customers, suppliers, employees and trade associates who supported our family business over many years.
L. D. Boozer, President

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